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Blog - How Drone Photography Can Take Your Business Marketing to New Heights

These days, drones are everywhere. Odds are you've probably seen one flying overhead as you walk down the street or even stand outside your home.

But did you ever wonder what it was they were doing up there, exactly?

Sometimes they're operated by hobbyists who love playing around with new and exciting technologies. But now more than ever, businesses are taking advantage of the new perspectives offered by drone photography.  

What is Drone Photography?

First of all, drones are unmanned air vehicles that can fly hundreds of feet above the ground, controlled usually by an experienced operator nearby. Depending on the size and model of the drone, it can handle a wide range of heights and other challenges.

But when equipped with a high-quality camera, these drones capture compelling aerial images of the landscape and its many features. Drones enable a first-person view that's otherwise impossible to achieve and can tolerate a range of harsh environments that would be difficult for humans to operate in.  

The Benefits of Drone Photography for Your Business

The freedom of movement offered by drones allows for captivating images that could only have been achieved in a helicopter or other manned aerial vehicle before the technology was developed. But now, drone photography has hit the mainstream and is surging in popularity because of its myriad benefits, including:

  • Allowing potential customers to see detailed top-down views of properties or large products.
  • Saving you a tremendous amount of money compared to traditional aerial photography.
  • Making you stand out from the crowd as a business that prefers to stay on the cutting edge of technology.

Plus, people just love video content. And when that video is captured by a drone camera, hundreds of feet in the air, those videos you share in your digital marketing will be positively stunning.

The videos captured by drone cameras are above and beyond the norm of cinematography. The angles and shots you can achieve with a drone were once either out of reach due to exorbitant cost, or totally impossible. This innovative technology coupled with the creativity of an expert marketing team has the potential to give your advertising a distinct height advantage over your competition.

Industries In Love With Drone Photography

Because drones have taken off so quickly, businesses around the world are utilizing their unique benefits in industries like:

  • Construction
  • Real Estate
  • Property Management
  • Municipal Government
  • Event Coverage
  • Film
  • Aviation
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Architecture
  • Wedding Photography

And while these industries use drone photography every day to expand and propel their marketing efforts successfully into the future, countless more are experimenting with drone photography to learn what advantages they can gain from the new technology.

The truth is that drones are no longer just some novelty gadget. They're literally elevating the way marketers approach content creation.

Do you think your business is ready to take the next step to transform your brand and image with drone technology? If so, GroupM7 has a drone fleet standing by and ready to take your business marketing to new heights. Contact us today to learn more!

Aaron Dunn

Aaron is a writer by trade with several years of professional experience under his belt. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Political Science. Before joining the Group, he worked as a freelancer and tech reviewer in Las Vegas, Nevada. Aaron currently lives in Pittsburg, TX.