Admit it: it's been awhile since your company website felt fresh. When you and your employees navigate to it, you often find yourselves both frustrated and disappointed.
These days, every business should have a website that shows their commitment to quality. If yours fails to reflect that, it's time to think about a redesign.
Here are 5 important reasons you should find a professional designer to update your website, pronto!
In 2016, mobile Internet use passed desktop use for the first time. That means that if your website isn't optimized for mobile devices as well as every other size and shape of device that accesses it, it will drive your potential customers away in droves.
If you have an older website that was built with desktops in mind, it'll either look wrong on mobile devices or be totally inaccessible. What you really need is responsive web design that works across all platforms. Otherwise, your business might end up like your old website: trapped in the past.
Your digital presence is significantly weaker if your website is slow as molasses. For one, it won't rank as highly across the various search engines. Google uses advanced tools to detect faster websites and features them far more prominently amongst their search result pages.
Another reason you should fear a slow website is that your users' experiences on the site are far worse when they have to wait forever for each page to load. Take a moment and consider whether you've ever closed out of a page because it was taking too long -- I know I have.
The branding tools and strategies you used way back when your website was created are likely outdated now and thus poorly reflect your new image. Or maybe the website itself simply fails to portray your business in the ways you want it to.
The best way to bring your website up-to-date is with a total redesign that lets you take advantage of the new branding tools and techniques that will help you grow your business confidently. Then, you'll be equipped the knowledge that everything about your site accurately reflects your brand's personality.
Many old websites were designed using flash or ancient plugins that are impossible to update. As a result, many of these websites are hard for search engines to read and inaccessible by mobile devices.
If you update your website to today's cutting edge tech and plugins, your website won't only perform better -- it'll generate stronger relationships with your current customers and draw in brand new leads thanks to its enhanced functionality.
When you boil it down, a website is one of the greatest methods any business has available to them for facilitating communication with their customers. If your users can't communicate with you in the right ways, you'll lose those sales to your competition.
The whole reason your business wanted a website in the first place was to bring in more business, right? So if it's failing to do that, it's time to consider a redesign.
And you're in luck: the team at GroupM7 is your go-to East Texas web design, SEO, and content marketing company. We're proud to serve the online needs of businesses of all shapes and sizes, so contact us today!
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