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Blog - 4 Digital Marketing Mistakes Made by Small Businesses

Your business is running smoothly, but you know you could take on a few more customers if you wanted to really come into your own. That means it's time to focus on an exciting marketing strategy that you know will lead you to those extra customers and eventual success.

While marketing your small business to potential customers may seem simple enough at first, there are some fairly major elements of a digital marketing strategy that many business owners overlook entirely.

Here's a quick rundown of some of the biggest errors made by small businesses in their digital marketing strategies:

1. Not Having a Website

First and foremost, the biggest digital marketing mistake any business anywhere could make is to forgo a website designed specifically with their products/services and target audience in mind.

Some businesses genuinely believe that they can use social media itself as their "website." While social media is extremely important for any digital marketing strategy, it is not the be-all and end-all.

Every business in 2017 and beyond, if they wish to be successful, should have a website, period. It's the hub of your digital marketing strategy, and exists to convert curious visitors to paying customers.

2. Not Keeping Track of Competitors

Whether it's your content marketing strategy or social media practices, if you aren't at least semi-aware of what others in your industry are doing to engage their potential customers, you might be missing out.

Now, this doesn't mean that you must know what every company in the United States who sells the same products or services as your business is doing at every moment.

Instead, focus on a few of your most successful competitors in your region and nationwide, and track their digital marketing strategies. The insights you gain from them can help you readjust your current strategy to work better than ever before.

3. Not Determining a Target Audience

It's critical that you market your business and its products and services to a wide range of potential customers, but it's actually counterproductive to market to literally everyone.

By aiming your marketing at the largest possible group, you might not hit the people most likely to be interested in what you're selling.

If this sounds familiar to your current marketing strategy, it's time to reevaluate. Think about it: do your offerings appeal to a specific demographic or to any and all comers?

4. Believing Your Customers Will Find You on Their Own

One thing small businesses tend to believe is that by simply existing, the customers will stumble across them eventually. While they may not pour through the front doors of their brick and mortar storefront day after day, the small amount that does trickle through will be more organically reached and natural relationships will develop.

This may have been true decades ago, but no longer.

Nowadays, most people will look up information about a business online, and make their decision on whether to purchase from them then and there. If they don't like what they see online or -- far worse -- find nothing at all, there's very little chance they'll arrive at your door as a customer.

The importance of a smartly designed and implemented digital marketing strategy cannot be overstated. The mistakes detailed in this blog can be avoided, but only if your business gets on the right track for successful digital marketing.

If you want to know how your business can improve its existing digital marketing strategy or outline a brand new one, contact GroupM7 today. Our web designers, content designers, and social media strategists can help your business thrive in the online world and generate more sales success!

Aaron Dunn

Aaron is a writer by trade with several years of professional experience under his belt. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Political Science. Before joining the Group, he worked as a freelancer and tech reviewer in Las Vegas, Nevada. Aaron currently lives in Pittsburg, TX.